Salted Sesame (Table-top type)
The sesame and salt stay attached to the very last bit
Enjoy this salt-flavored sesame

This is a new type of sesame seasoned with salt. Miyakojima's snow salt, certified by Guinness World Records as containing the largest variety of minerals of any salt, is coated onto Onizaki's fragrantly roasted black sesame.

The process of coating snow salt onto sesame is difficult, since friction arises between the grains of sesame and the skin peels off, making an even coating extremely difficult. We resolved this problem by conducting many test runs. Unlike an ordinary mix of sesame and salt, we coated snow salt onto each grain of sesame. As a result, the salt-flavored sesame can be fully enjoyed until the last grain.

Salted Sesame is not only good with rice, but it can also be used for a variety of things such as seasoning for tempura and for lightly pickling vegetables. Enjoy the mild taste of Snow Salt combined with the rich, aromatic flavor of sesame until the very last grain.

Certified by Guinness World Records:
Snow Salt born from the mineral-rich seas of Miyakojima

As its name suggests, Snow Salt is a white, fine-powdered salt. It has a beauty that resembles newly fallen snow and was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as containing the largest variety of minerals of any salt.

The coral reef island of Miyakojima acts as a natural filter allowing cleansed seawater to be drawn up. The water component of this seawater is instantly evaporated through a processing method original to Snow Salt. This method results in the retention of as many elements of seawater as possible, including bittern, which cannot be retained using the normal processing method. Amazingly, if the salt is dissolved in fresh water, it turns into seawater that is suitable even for fish to live in!